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Why is ai.yimg.jp not included in the oisd blocklist?

ai.yimg.jp is a domain that can cause problems if blocked like s.yimg.jp and i.yimg.jp. https://280blocker.net/blog/20171015/797/ "If you block ai.yimg.jp/bdv/ or ai.yimg.jp, the Yahoo dictionary will malfunction." Also, https://togetter.com/li/146026 "It is a symptom that you cannot access the user folder with Yahoo! Mail. It seems that the specification does not change the page unless lib2obf_b3.js is loaded." lib2obf_b3.js http://ai.yimg.jp/bdv/yahoo/javascript/csc/20060824/lib2obf_b3.js This domain is also used for the logo. https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/ https://s.yimg.jp/c/logo/f/2.0/chiebukuro_r_34_2x.png http://ai.yimg.jp/c/logo/f/2.0/chiebukuro_r_34_2x.png It's also used in advertising, but I think it's better not to block it. http://ai.yimg.jp/bdv/500010/504579/20060104/yykx7cgx6jh_vstayjz0-b.gif

Found in: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/notracking/hosts-blocklists-scripts/master/hostnames.whitelist.txt
Found in: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TogoFire-Home/AD-Settings/main/Filters/whitelist.txt